Thursday, January 18, 2007


When the magazine first came out, they tried to entice me to get a subscription by asking whether "I felt lucky." Uhm, no.

So I didn't get an issue, at least not immediately.

At the time, I was in my late twenties, entering the workforce, and absolutely clueless about how to dress myself. I had never paid attention to these things when most girls did, in middle and high school and college, and I felt far behind the bell curve.

During a phone conversation with an old friend, she advised that I solve my clothing confusion by taking out a subscription to the magazine. So I did.

And X years later, I still have a subscription. I still like flipping through the magazine to get ideas and to see what's out there. One difference now though is that I can actually afford these items. In fact, I've recognized some of my recent acquisitions in some of their spreads.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They say when you hear a bell ring, an angel gets their wings.

When a new subscription to Lucky arrives, a new fashion star is born ;)