Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I am studying my closet. It's time to clear out the things, weeding bad choices, editing down the selection. But I think I better figure out why I get some things, and they end up being well-loved and -worn, and other things I hate a few months later.

I think where I most trip up are two places:
. the SALE
. the trend

Hence, I have ended up with leggings (cute when I had to search for it. tacky now that it's ubiquitous) and bubble skirt. It's like the detritus that gets blown into a cul-de-sac. I don't know how they ended up here.

Then there's the sale items. Hard to resist. The voice of my mother rises up, says, "A bargain! It's practically free."

Help me.


Anonymous said...

I think you need a bigger closet. Perhaps two closets. One for stuff you currently like, and one for stuff that will be back in fashion in a few years.

Nhu said...

Good thinking.