Sunday, November 06, 2005

Books as backdrop

I was paging through an Anthropologie catalog today. Looking at all the vaguely exotic clothes, reinterpreted for a non-hippy, kinda dreamy American audience. I noticed that in one of the spreads for bed linens, they had set up the bed in what looked to be a library--the bedpost smashed up against the shelves of books so that anyone looking for a copy of Pride and Prejudice would have to climb atop the bed to reach it.

At the Web site (home of my ill-fated Marc Jacobs run), there is a picture of someone's pert tush in some True Religion jeans as they stand defiantly among rows of books. Which makes me wonder when books became an object of style, like a pair of designer shoes or the latest handbag? When did it become some aspect of your identity that you could just assume, without any real knowledge or history of it?
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